Personalized approach

Your path to health And longevity is accompanied by a curator who develops individual diagnostic and treatment plan based on your uniqueness, integrative and preventive approach.


The IBC team implements own and international advances in biotechnology for the treatment of patients in the framework of international clinical trials.

The international cooperation

We attract foreign experts Western Europe, China, Israel and other countries to offer you the best, which is in modern medicine, we provide an opportunity to get a conclusion on diagnosis and treatment within the framework of a telemedicine consultation.

Medical tourism

We meet foreign as well as out-of-town patients, offering unique treatment methods in IBC, comfortable accommodation conditions and cultural stay program.

Concierge service

The IBC concept is based on carefully accompanying you and those who are dear to you to a state and appearance that will allow you to remain energetic, confident in yourself, in your health and strength, open to the future, beautiful and balanced for a long time. Concierge service of Bio Clinic creates conditions of delicate aesthetics, freedom, support and absolute friendliness.

Our clinic

IBC – International Bio Clinic, combining advanced biotechnologies and a comprehensive preventive approach to extend a healthy life without limits to everyone who thinks about the future.

About clinic

Our team

The IBC team consists of 80 highly qualified partners - doctors, nursing staff, management administration, personal management service, cleanliness and service department.

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Volchkov Stanislav Evgenievich
Chief Physician, Medical Organizer, Allergist-Immunologist, Therapist
Degeleva Olga Mikhailovna
Head of outpatient department
Verkhovnikova Tatyana Sergeevna
Head of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Department
Razumkova Olga Anatolievna
Head of Cosmetology and Detox Department
International Bio Clinic
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08:00 - 21:00
Sun - day off