Этапы лечения

  • Stimulation of superovulation
  • Transvaginal follicle puncture
  • Оплодотворение яйцеклеток
  • PGT
  • Вспомогательный хэтчинг
  • Embryo transfer

Показано в случаях

  • Пороки яичников, матки
  • Эндокринное бесплодие
  • Сексуальная дисфункция
  • Мужской фактор бесплодия
  • Наследственные заболевания
  • Иммунологическое бесплодие
  • Непроходимость или отсутствие маточных труб

Answering important questions

1) Как подготовиться к первому приему репродуктолога?

1. Write down all the questions in advance so that you don’t forget anything at the reception
2. Bring statements after operations, examinations and treatments
3. Trust the doctors, because they have helped thousands of babies to be born

2) До скольки лет можно пробовать?

The reproductive age of a woman ends at 44 years according to WHO. It is important to contact a specialist in time to assess the ovarian reserve, we recommend dealing with this issue until the age of 35 in order to increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby

3) Может ли ребёнок родиться с патологией?

With the age of a woman, such risks increase, but we have a technique that helps to find out the genetics of the embryo before attaching to the uterine cavity. Our task is to minimize the risks of having a child with pathologies, so we recommend not to skip the PGT procedure during IVF treatment

4) Можно ли забеременеть при климаксе?

Yes, you can get pregnant with menopause using donor eggs.

5) ЭКО это больно?

Самый болезненный этап ЭКО – это трансвагинальная пункция (забор яйцеклеток), она проходит под общим наркозом и длится 15-20 минут.

6) Что, если гинеколог говорит, что всё хорошо, а беременность не наступает?

If pregnancy does not occur, then you need to go to a reproductive specialist who will prescribe an in-depth examination, as well as an examination of your spouse.

С нами не страшно

Verkhovnikova Tatyana Sergeevna
Head of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Department
Baranova Julia Mikhailovna
Reproductologist, gynecologist
Bayzarova Alexandra Alexandrovna
Senior Embryologist of the ART Department
Zaitseva Maria Sergeevna
Clinical and laboratory diagnostics doctor, embryologist

Treatment Methods

We use integrative approach in the treatment of infertility to safely achieve the result - a long-awaited pregnancy.

Standard IVF
A method of infertility treatment, in which the fertilization of eggs occurs outside the human body in the laboratory, followed by the transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity
from 19,800 ₽
IVF in natural cycle
One of the most gentle ways to get pregnant. The egg is fertilized in the laboratory, but its maturation takes place in the woman's body.
from 38,000 ₽
It involves the introduction of a spermatozoon into the cytoplasm of the egg and is carried out mainly with a reduced concentration or motility of spermatozoa.
from 40,000 ₽

Отзывы о процедуре ЭКО

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