Urology and andrology

Urology and Andrology

You have access to a full range of outpatient services in the field of men's health with an integrative and preventive approach, accurate and prompt ultrasound diagnostics of diseases, aesthetic urology (changing the parameters of the intimate zone)

Integrative approach

Our urologists apply the principles of integrative and preventive medicine in their practice


Modern biotherapeutic methods have been introduced into treatment and rehabilitation protocols

Modern equipment

The work uses the latest medical equipment manufactured in Italy, Germany, the USA and the UK


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Dmitry Valerievich
Head of Urology Department

Urologist, andrologist, ultrasound specialist

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Highest qualification category

Alexander Yurievich
Head of the surgical department

Urologist, oncologist, surgeon, leading Prevent Age expert, nutritionist

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Experience 24 years


Comprehensive appointment with a urologist-andrologist with a preventive approach
Doctor: Mikhailov Dmitry Valerievich
Comprehensive appointment with a urologist-andrologist with a preventive approach
Doctor: Alexander Korolev
Appointment with a urologist-oncologist
Doctor: Alexander Korolev
Lab tests
Over 1000 indicators
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
Functional diagnostics
ECG, Bioimpedance
Screening non-invasive diagnostic method used to evaluate the functions of the urinary system - the sphincter of the urethra and bladder
Ejaculate analysis used to determine the fertility of a man and identify possible diseases of the reproductive system
Sperm DNA fragmentation test
Test to detect DNA damage in spermatozoa. The analysis helps in assessing fertility and identifying the cause of infertility and spontaneous abortions.
MAR test
A study aimed at identifying antisperm antibodies of the IgA and IgG classes for the diagnosis of immunological causes of infertility in men
Cultural study of prostate secretion
Comprehensive male check-up
Enlargement of the penis
Denervation of the penis
Circumcision (circumcision)
Ligamentotomy (lengthening of the penis)
Anus whitening
Surgical treatment of urinary disorders
Laser vaporization, TUR
Surgical treatment of infertility problems
Surgical treatment of varicocele
Micro-TESE (microtesticular biopsy)
Extraction of male germ cells from the testicle under the control of a powerful optical system
Surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction (prosthetics)
The flagship among DNA tests. It analyzes 55 genes. This allows you to fully decipher the genetically incorporated mechanism of metabolic processes in the body. More about the test
iPRP Intrapenile Plasma Therapy
Biotechnological stimulation of spermatogenesis
Biotechnological treatment of erectile dysfunction
Treatment of recurrent cystitis
Aesthetic Urology at IBC
Free consultation of a urologist-andrologist before manipulation
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