Instant effects
- Reducing overall chronic inflammation in the body
- Lightness, cheerfulness, tone
- Weight loss
- Improving the quality of body and skin
- Increased brain activity
- Inspiration, elation
- Clarification of consciousness
Delayed effects
- Improving the quality of life
- Increased sensitivity of the sense organs
- Improving stamina
- Stress resistance
- Emotional stability
- Reduction of biological age
- Accumulation of resources
Detox and cleansing: Episodes and modules
- Complete check up of the body (laboratory: blood, saliva, urine; functional: bioimpedance, ECG, ultrasound: complex) – 1 day
- Patronage by a supervising physician (preparatory stage for the program, support and exit)
- Council of experts (if there are grounds and concomitant diseases)
- Current diagnostics of the state according to the required parameters during the program
- Plasmapheresis cycle (plasma filtration by an experienced transfusiologist on an expert-class device, removal of toxins from the intercellular space)
– 3 procedures - Cleansing in the only detox capsule available in Samara Iyashi Dome – 5 sessions
- Infusions of recommended drugs (personally selected IV therapy)
- daily - Supplying the body with oxygen (oxygenation and barotherapy sessions)
- daily - duodenal sounding (cleansing of the gall bladder, ducts, liver)
- 3 times - Pressotherapy for emergency lymphatic drainage purposes – 5 procedures
- Physiotherapy (magnet/laser – as indicated)
- Intelligent plasma therapy (IPRP) by metabolic points
It will help to solve such problems:
- Rapid fatigue
- Mood swings
- Weight fluctuations
- Swelling
- Age-related changes
- Decreased libido
- Sleep disorders
- Headaches
- Memory problems
- Decline in cognitive function
- Apathy
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases
Your income directly depends on your presentation in the public space. Or you have lost your taste. To favorite dishes, interests, life. A lot of things seem superfluous to you, including weight and negative feelings. Or you are curious to explore the possibilities of your body.
What does IBC have to do with it?
We prefer scientific deposits to banking ones
We approve the fashion for science and arm ourselves with its latest achievements in the field of cleansing the body, returning its strength to the indicators of the level of "health, freshness, beauty".
Every start starts from the finish line. We will complete the planning of a new life together “from Monday” and proceed to the next cycle. Now.
Comprehensive laboratory check-up, ultrasound and functional studies will allow our experts, including endocrinologists, gastroenterologists and body curators, to analyze your condition in more than forty indicators.
Having identified the deficiency / excess of any elements, the curator will provide you with navigation through the best possible, just for you, lifestyle.
A detailed genetic check up /upon request/ will reveal the possible risks that your body may face and suggest ways to overcome them. To free up your body space for further achievements, filling it with pure energy, the detox program will maximally relieve you of accumulated toxins that poison the body and do not allow you to maintain tone and balance.
It is possible to “open” reserves by removing obstacles – they include the amount of harmful substances that the equipment, procedures and experts presented at the Clinic can “remove” from your body.
The Program includes cleansing sessions in the only apparatus presented in Samara Iyashi Dome, infusions of drugs recommended to you, supplying the body with oxygen, thalasso and pressotherapy, selection of dietary supplements and a complete map of your next steps. On the way to a better self.
Cleanliness is the best beauty
Do not take on the extra load / Leave it with us
Biotechnology; Biologically active additives (BAA) - as prescribed by the doctor by the curator.

Detox and cleansing: Energy of life