The solution and prevention of hair problems is solved in the Clinic by combining the high expertise of a trichologist, hardware trichoscopy, integrative medicine, injection and hardware techniques. Maximum possibilities in matters of hair loss (quantity and quality) are presented in the Clinic in the widest range.
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Trichoscopy (trichodermatoscopy) is a method of examining hair and scalp using a trichoscope. The device is equipped with a video camera with magnifying optics and is connected to a computer, which allows you to examine the problem area of the scalp and hair under high magnification and analyze the areas under study.
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Phototrichogram - This is a procedure by which the number of live hairs per 1 cm2 of skin is determined. During the phototrichogram, you can see the number of hairs in the growth stage, in the loss stage, rod and thinned hair. It is the most accurate and affordable method for diagnosing hair loss.
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Registration for “Comprehensive female check-up"
Registration for “Comprehensive male check-up"
Enrollment in "Drafting an individual treatment plan"
Sign up for “Time to Grow Therapeutic Peeling"
We provide an exclusively personalized approach and take into account all factors of the clinic guest's lifestyle. No general solutions and template protocols. Armchairs of increased comfort or individual rooms equipped with a seating area, a bathrobe and a TV, allow you to take a course of intravenous systems developed by a curator doctor specifically for your request
Entry on “IV-Therapy: Infusion Therapy"
Sign up for "Mesotherapy"
Sign up for Plasma Therapy
Entry on “Introduction of drugs (GCS)"
Sign up for “Hair Transplantation”
Entry for “Beard Transplantation”
Sign up for “Eyebrow transplantation”
Entry on “Photodynamic therapy Heleo4"
Sign up for “Microcurrent Therapy”
Sign up for "Carboxytherapy"
Entry on “Sciton neodymium laser”
Sign up for “Radio wave fractional treatment”
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MyExpert will give you an advantage in the fight against disorders that are characteristic of your genome, but have not yet fully manifested. You will receive personalized recommendations on nutrition, sports, beauty and health that will not lose relevance over time. Improve the quality and zest for life at any age
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Entry on “Plasmotherapy iPRP scalp”
Entry to “Biotechnological treatment of alopecia”
The most common conditions that we correct:
Everything starts with diagnostics – examination, data collection, assessment of the general condition of the body and, of course, trichoscopy – examination on a specialized device that allows you to examine the scalp, the condition of the hair follicle, location, density, etc. at high magnification, make an accurate diagnosis and, accordingly, draw up a treatment plan.
Prescriptions most often consist of oral therapy and external home treatment, as well as in-clinic procedures.