Pregnancy planning

Pregnancy planning

We carry out all the necessary measures for reliability in the matter of planning a natural pregnancy or artificial insemination in the future

A complex approach

Our doctors apply the principles of integrative and preventive medicine in their practice


Modern biotherapeutic techniques have been introduced into the preparation protocols

Privacy Guaranteed

We ensure your privacy within the walls of the clinic


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Tatyana Sergeevna
Head of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Department

Reproductologist, gynecologist, ultrasound specialist

Candidate of Medical Sciences

First qualifying category

Julia Mikhailovna
Reproductologist, gynecologist

Specialist in Integrative and Preventive Medicine

Specialist in Anti-Aging (Anti-Age) Medicine

Experience 18 years

Alexandra Alexandrovna
Senior Embryologist of the ART Department

Biobanking Specialist

Experience 16 years

Dmitry Valerievich
Urologist, andrologist

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Highest qualification category

Experience 30 years

Maria Sergeevna
Clinical and laboratory diagnostics doctor, embryologist


Comprehensive appointment with a reproductive specialist with ultrasound
Consultation with a reproductive specialist
Andrologist's consultation
Lab tests
Over 1000 indicators
Ultrasound monitoring, thanks to which a specialist can track all changes in the internal genital organs of women during the menstrual cycle
Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes (UZGSS)
Informative, non-invasive ultrasound examination of the uterus and tubal patency using vaginal and abdominal probes
Cultural study of the vaginal microbiota
Comprehensive female check-up
Lab tests
Over 1000 indicators
Ejaculate analysis used to determine the fertility of a man and identify possible diseases of the reproductive system
Sperm DNA fragmentation test
Test to detect DNA damage in spermatozoa. The analysis helps in assessing fertility and identifying the cause of infertility and spontaneous abortions.
MAR test
A study aimed at identifying antisperm antibodies of the IgA and IgG classes for the diagnosis of immunological causes of infertility in men
HBA test
HBA-test (sperm binding analysis with hyaluronic acid) is performed to determine the degree of maturity of spermatozoa
Cultural study of prostate secretion
Comprehensive male check-up
Drafting a Nutritional Support Scheme
Drawing up an individual nutrition plan
IV-therapy: infusion therapy
We provide an exclusively personalized approach and take into account all factors of the clinic guest's lifestyle. More
Plasmapheresis according to the IBC protocol
The best way to detoxify the body with the help of advanced technologies, modern expert apparatus and the intellectual potential of the Clinic. More
Detox capsule Yashi Dome
oxygen therapy
Saturation of the body with molecular oxygen under pressure, using the latest medical pressure chamber of expert class Baroox. More about Barox
Comprehensive physiotherapy programs
We carry out complex physiotherapy procedures aimed at relieving pain, rehabilitation after injuries and surgical interventions. More
Genetic test for the formation of an individual approach to women's health. More about the test
The flagship among DNA tests. It analyzes 55 genes. This allows you to fully decipher the genetically incorporated mechanism of metabolic processes in the body. More about the test
Reproductive Future
Individual health program. More about the program
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