Infertility treatment

infertility treatments

We can offer an integrative and comprehensive approach in the examination of infertility and preparation for pregnancy, individual support throughout all stages of treatment with ART methods and the selection of a treatment regimen just for you. You can count on a caring attitude to safely achieve the result - a long-awaited pregnancy

A complex approach

Our fertility doctors apply the principles of integrative and preventive medicine in their practice


Treatment protocols incorporate modern biotherapeutic techniques

Privacy Guaranteed

We ensure your privacy within the walls of the clinic


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Tatyana Sergeevna
Head of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Department

Reproductologist, gynecologist, ultrasound specialist

Candidate of Medical Sciences

First qualifying category

Julia Mikhailovna
Reproductologist, gynecologist

Specialist in Integrative and Preventive Medicine

Specialist in Anti-Aging (Anti-Age) Medicine

Experience 18 years

Alexandra Alexandrovna
Senior Embryologist of the ART Department

Biobanking Specialist

Experience 16 years


Comprehensive appointment with a reproductive specialist with ultrasound
Consultation with a reproductive specialist
Andrologist's consultation
Lab tests
Over 1000 indicators
Ultrasound monitoring, thanks to which a specialist can track all changes in the internal genital organs of women during the menstrual cycle
Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes (UZGSS)
Informative, non-invasive ultrasound examination of the uterus and tubal patency using vaginal and abdominal probes
Endometrial aspiration biopsy
Aspiration biopsy involves the collection of fragments of the endometrium for subsequent laboratory analysis
A method of examining the uterus using a hysteroscope (a type of endoscopic equipment), which allows for diagnostics and therapeutic manipulations (according to indications)
ERA® test to determine the level of endometrial receptivity
Cultural study of the vaginal microbiota
Comprehensive female check-up
Lab tests
Over 1000 indicators
Ejaculate analysis used to determine the fertility of a man and identify possible diseases of the reproductive system
Sperm DNA fragmentation test
Test to detect DNA damage in spermatozoa. The analysis helps in assessing fertility and identifying the cause of infertility and spontaneous abortions.
MAR test
A study aimed at identifying antisperm antibodies of the IgA and IgG classes for the diagnosis of immunological causes of infertility in men
HBA test
HBA-test (sperm binding analysis with hyaluronic acid) is performed to determine the degree of maturity of spermatozoa
Cultural study of prostate secretion
Comprehensive male check-up
Standard IVF
A method of treating infertility in which fertilization of eggs occurs outside the human body in laboratory conditions, followed by transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity. More
IVF in natural cycle
One of the most gentle ways to get pregnant. The egg is fertilized in the laboratory, but its maturation takes place in the woman's body. More
It involves the introduction of a spermatozoon into the cytoplasm of the egg and is carried out mainly with a reduced concentration or motility of spermatozoa. More
Surgical treatment
Low-traumatic surgical intervention, during which endoscopic equipment equipped with a miniature video camera is used
Ovulation induction
For the treatment of women with anovulation or oligoovulation with endocrine factor infertility, ovulation induction is performed in order to form normal ovulatory cycles.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
It is carried out by introducing laboratory-processed sperm into the cervical canal and into the uterine cavity during the periovulatory period
Donor sperm insemination (ISD)
Prenatal genetic testing
A procedure that allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities of an embryo obtained by IVF before transfer to the uterine cavity
Vitrification of embryos
If patients have excellent and good quality embryos after transfer, they will be recommended to be cryopreserved for future use.
Thawed Embryo Transfer
Vitrification of oocytes
Plasmapheresis according to the IBC protocol
The best way to detoxify the body with the help of advanced technologies, modern expert apparatus and the intellectual potential of the Clinic. More
Program with donor oocytes
Donor Embryo Program
Donor sperm program
Plasma therapy iPRP endometrium
Ovarian iPRP Plasma Therapy
Biotechnological treatment of thin endometrium
Biotechnological treatment of ectopia (erosion) of the cervix
Creating a customized vaginal probiotic

Answering important questions

How to prepare for the first reception of a reproductive specialist?
1. Write down all the questions in advance so that you don’t forget anything at the reception
2. Bring statements after operations, examinations and treatments
3. Trust the doctors, because they have helped thousands of babies to be born
How old can you try?
The reproductive age of a woman ends at 44 years according to WHO. It is important to contact a specialist in time to assess the ovarian reserve, we recommend dealing with this issue until the age of 35 in order to increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby
Can a child be born with a pathology?
With the age of a woman, such risks increase, but we have a technique that helps to find out the genetics of the embryo before attaching to the uterine cavity. Our task is to minimize the risks of having a child with pathologies, so we recommend not to skip the PGT procedure during IVF treatment
Is it possible to get pregnant with menopause?
Yes, you can get pregnant with menopause using donor eggs.
Does IVF hurt?
The most painful stage of IVF is transvaginal puncture (egg collection), it takes place under general anesthesia and lasts 15-20 minutes.
What if the gynecologist says that everything is fine, but the pregnancy does not occur?
If pregnancy does not occur, then you need to go to a reproductive specialist who will prescribe an in-depth examination, as well as an examination of your spouse.

Expertise in matters of reproduction (high statistics of successful cycles of reproductive doctors), multiplied by biotechnological developments of the Clinic's research staff (endometrial enlargement, ovarian rejuvenation), highlights the direction of IBC ART among other institutions that solve the problem of infertility.

We use integrative approach in the treatment of infertility to safely achieve the result - a long-awaited pregnancy.

Comfortable, spacious, aesthetic and bright compartment created with love for our patients.

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