Instructions for use

Comprehensive female check-up

Why undergo a diagnosis of the state of the body, If "if nothing hurts"?

Complex check-up gives an idea of what health risks have formed in the current time and allows you to prevent them in a timely manner - problems do not become chronic, and you do not need lifelong medical support. You are free.

extended check-up introduces you to the peculiarities of the body deeply and expertly - individual errors and deviations are taken into account when drawing up instructions for both operational correction and lifestyle in general. You are safe.

Full check-up allows you to live in the knowledge of what is contraindicated for your body and what is recommended for your reproductive health, including. The feeling of inner strength, pure energy, creative resource and high productivity become an integral part of your essence. You are in integrity and harmony.

Discount 10% for the diagnostic complex applies to:

  • Council of doctors / endocrinologist, gynecologist - obstetrician, therapist;
  • Laboratory diagnostics / over 30 blood counts, smears, oncocytology;
  • Functional diagnostics bioimpedance, ECG, colposcopy;
  • Ultrasound examinations gynecological ultrasound, mammary and thyroid glands;
Women's check-up
Get to know yourself. take care of yourself. Love yourself. For several visits. at IBC.
from 25,000 ₽
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